
What is this and why does it exist?

All links, the content behind and the opinions there are not mine.
If you follow an external link, it is your problem, not mine if you do not like, what you find there.
Please be aware, that this is just a list of topics I find interesting.

All mentioned security tools can be found here:


CVE-2017-13082: Key Reinstall in FT Handshake (802.11r)
–> CVE-2017-13082 - github <–

VulnScan – Automated Triage and Root Cause Analysis of Memory Corruption Issues
–> VulnScan - Microsoft TechNet <–

Using WinDBG to tap into JavaScript and help with deobfuscation and browser exploit detection
–> Evalyzer - github <–

AlienVault OSSIM: The World’s Most Widely Used Open Source SIEM
–> OSSIM - Alien Vault <–

(SQLiv) massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner
–> SQLiv - github <–

Talks & Knowledge

Malformed or infected word docs or excel spreadsheets with embedded macro viruses or other dangerous content
–> DDE attack prevention - My Online Security <–

Basics of The Metasploit Framework API - IRB Setup
–> Metasploit IRB Setup - Dark Operator <–

Mobile Security News Update October 2017
–> Mobile Security News Update October 2017 - Collin Mulliner <–

Microsoft’ New Feature to Protect Windows 10 from Ransomware
–> Controlled Folder Access feature - HackRead <–


Android Apps Infected with Sockbot Malware Turn Devices into Botnet
–> Android Sockbot Malware - HackRead <–

Hackers take aim at SSH Keys in new attacks
–> Hackers take aim at SSH Key - Threat Post <–

Reaper malware outshines Mirai; hits millions of IoT devices worldwide
–> Reaper Malware - Hack Read <–