
What is this and why does it exist?

All links, the content behind and the opinions there are not mine.
If you follow an external link, it is your problem, not mine if you do not like, what you find there.
Please be aware, that this is just a list of topics I find interesting.

All mentioned security tools can be found here:


A datasource assessment on an event level to show potential ATT&CK coverage
–> ATTACKdatamap - github <–

A research kernel and hypervisor attempting to get fully deterministic emulation with minimum performance cost
–> orange_slice - github <–

Talks & Knowledge

The Latest Evolution of the Most Popular Banking Malware
–> Ursnif - Blog Yoroi <–

The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics
–> CheatSheetSeries - github / OWASP <–

Pentesting Active Directory Forests
–> Pentesting Active Directory Forests - CARLOS GARCÍA <–


Android Malware That Hacks Financial/ Personal Data
–> BasBanke - E Hacking News <–

Say hello to Baldr, a new stealer on the market
–> Baldr - Malwarebytes Labs <–